Some things

Countdown: One week until Jerkwad McGee moves out of my house.
Good news: I saw him in front of a place with an "Apartment for rent" sign writing down a phone number.
Bad News: It was across the street.

Things that weird me out:
-Old ladies with long whiskers
-People with growths on their faces (or anywhere else really)
-People who talk with the bus/streetcar driver like they are old friends, when they clearly are not.
-Text messages from unknown senders.
-Tonal languages

Things that piss me off:
-Overseas tourists who pay for things with American dollars. It is bad enough when Americans do it, but when Europeans or Asians do it I become enraged. What is their thought process? "I'm going to Canada, I better bring a different foreign currency than my own, because I don't want the value and convenience of only changing my money once, I want to do it TWICE." If I was going to Spain I wouldn't bring a stack of Rubles with me, would you?
-American tourists who don't understand the concept of currency conversion. The reason taking American dollars from Americans sucks isn't because it is insulting, it is because they don't understand the process at all.
-Getting a cold in the summer.
-The fact that Burger King doesn't sell a single thing that won't give you diarrhea.


Ubermilf said...

With a name like Jerkwad McGee, you should've known what he was like.

Anonymous said...

You're probably right.

Fella said...

Clearly you've never had Burger King's tacos.

Anonymous said...

Burger King has tacos?

Fella said...
