10 ligitmate reasons why barack obama should be the next president of the united states of america

  1. black people are cooler than white people. that is just a fact. look it up in your history books.
  2. white men can't jump. i know i should focus on obama's strengths and not mccain's weaknesses, but jumping could very well be the single greatest issue facing the american people over the next 4 to 8 years. there is really no way of knowing for sure, so why not err on the side of caution?
  3. barack obama is fun to say. say it. see what i mean?
  4. john mccain is old. old people smell funny. that is no way to impress world leaders.
  5. somebody told me that they read somewhere that if obama is elected we all get a free piece of pie (while supplies last).
  6. barack comes before john and obama comes after mccain alphabetically so obama obviously has more knowledge and experience when it comes to the letters of the alphabet.
  7. john mccain is basically the definition of both "whitey" and "the man."
  8. crackers be tripping
  9. the economy. that is a thing too.
  10. oprah said so.


Ubermilf said...

These are all valid arguments.

You should make a poster.

Fella said...

YOU be tripping.