
So the holidays are over and I haven't written anything in a month and a half... so, yeah, that's a thing.

The tree is down and my apartment no longer looks like a crazy pakistani party bus. Life is returning to normal. Too bad normal is so fucking boring. Stupid winter.

I've had Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" stuck in my head for a week. i'm pretty sure if it doesn't go away I'll soon become certifiably insane. Don't get me wrong, I love that song, but it's too much of a good thing. I don't know all of the words or even how the whole song goes so it's pretty much just the same part or two over and over and over and over and over and over.

I need a vacation. Please send me money.


Ubermilf said...

Maybe you can blame this

Anonymous said...

i finally got it out of my head for a day and then i went and clicked on that link... arg.

Ubermilf said...

Somebody has a birthday coming up!

Aaron said...

..and its here; happy birthday, sir.