now that there are no polls to read all day...

the america that would elect barack obama president is the america that I have sadly missed for eight long years. anti-american sentiment has run high in this country while bush 2 destroyed america's image. i held out though, admonishing my friends, collegues and classmates for suggesting that bush and his cronies reflect the american people or the true american spirit. today i feel vindicated. i feelp proud of my neighbours for making the choice that not only best serves america but the world as a whole.

i've followed this election with intensity. i've been consumed with election fever for months. i didn't even care about the canadian election which only took a relatively supersonic 6 weeks from start to end. sure, i voted but it didn't really seem like it mattered to me.

if democrats threaten to move to canada when the republican candidate wins, do canadians threaten to move the united states when democrats elect the most exciting figure in a generation president?


Fella said...

Well said.

Ubermilf said...

I don't judge the entire state of Kansas based on Nick. That would be so unfair.