Election Fever

While Obama and McCain have been campaigning for about a million years now, things have been quiet in Canada. That is until the shit hit the fan, er... Liberal leader Stéphane Dion.

After calling a surprise election Stephen Harper has unveiled his platform which is that apparently he plans to not get shat upon by birds. That is what I am taking away from this.


Fella said...

If my name had an accent mark in it, I'd kill myself.

Ubermilf said...

I thought Puffins were too big to fit in a man's ear.

I have no idea what that ad is. I think Dion should have let Harper keep it. It makes him look like an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I doubt it is that big a burden.

As for puffins, I never expected such a creature to occupy an entire news cycle during an election.